Category: Uncategorized

  • End-of-Travels Update

    Dear Friends and Family, So I’m trying to get the blog updated as promised, but due to my continued travels, I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to catch the blog up to my current state of affairs. So this post is a quick update to discuss where I am, what is left…

  • Continent Crossers (Glacier Part 4)

    Dear friends and family, You may be asking, “hey wait Evan, you verbose and insufferable maple seed twisting in the wind, how did you get to stay in Glacier if you lost your reservation while getting your car repaired?” Good question, friend of mine! Evan, literally who let you have this blog. What are you…

  • You Lovely and Endless Ridgeback (Glacier Part 3)

    Update 25 August: sorry! This post came out half-done due to issues I was having with WordPress, I have since updated it to cover everything that I originally intended. Dear Friends and Family, Today’s blog post has even less narrative coverage than yesterday because it covers not even one full day, but just one hike:…

  • The Boy in the Iceberg (Glacier Part 2)

    Dear Friends and Family, So my next day at Glacier, I spent once again at Many Glacier. The area is just so spectacular, it’s worth visiting time and time again. Haze included. As the name suggests, Many Glacier is full to bursting with icy glaciers and frigid lakes, including today’s destination: Iceberg Lake. There isn’t…

  • The Crown of the Continent (Glacier Part 1)

    Dear Friends and Family, And so we reach one of the greatest national parks I have seen on this trip, and have seen ever, as a matter of fact. But first, a quick update: sorry for the delays! I’ve covered something like 3000 miles in just the last week of traveling and only just returned…

  • Interruption Continued (End of Leg 2, Part 2)

    Dear friends and family, Back again! Alright, so the rest of the day that started with a literal house fire further devolved into a metaphorical dumpster fire. After getting out of Whitefish, I finally was able to enter Glacier National Park using the campground reservations I had booked waaaaaay back in March for this part…

  • Interruption (End of Leg 2)

    Dear friends and family, I think I can say in confidence that the couple of days this post chronicles definitively ends Leg 2, if only because they sucked so much that I want to leave these days in Leg 2, and get a fresh start on Leg 3 without them. It’s not worth beating around…

  • Intermission

    Dear Friends and Family, Two blog updates in two days? Just look at what I can accomplish with a stable internet connection and a WordPress fix! So now we reach a part of the trip that’s not quite the end of Leg 2, and not quite the beginning of Leg 3; hence the title. This…

  • The Most Pacific, North, and West

    Dear Friends and Family, “BRRRWWOOOOOOOOMMMGGG” (That’s the sound of the ship’s horn). I am adding “boat” to the list of transportation modes I’ve enjoyed on this trip, rounding out the list already full of trains, planes, and an automobile (well, two automobiles, but I’ll get to that in another update). “BRRRWWOOOOOOOOMMMGGG!!!” After leaving Seattle, I…

  • All of us Queers 💙

    Dear friends and family, I’m back on my bullshit on my blog and delivering some of those promised updates! So after splitting up with Chelsea in Enumclaw, my next stop was for that great technocracy by the bay, the city of Seattle. I have introduced many places into this rambling story across the continent, and…