Category: Uncategorized

  • Epilogue

    Dear Friends and Family, Thank you for returning to my blog! The adventure of my lifetime is over, but its story will continue 🙂 When my road trip was concluding at the beginning of September, I began to think about how I wanted to conclude the blog as well. I have regaled basically everyone I…

  • Whole Again

    Dear Friends and Family, This is it. This is the end of the trip. This is the end. I have tried to write and re-write this blog post many times tonight, trying to capture the feelings I had that day. By now, I have had more time at home in Virginia than I had on…

  • The Final Adventure

    Dear Friends and Family, We’re packing up the car, for one more adventure, one last time :’) It’s the night before Labor Day weekend in this photo. It is the time of precipice. Days are shortening, and the way in which they shorten is shortening. The sun is diving below the horizon these nights, it…

  • An Assortment of Wonderful People

    Dear Friends and Family, So the next couple days in the road trip don’t have much of a narrative, and I am mighty tired this week, and saving up my writing energy for the last couple of posts about the road trip. The trip was well and nearing its end by this point; it was…

  • The Story of Skillagalee

    Dear Friends and Family, Have you wondered why this website is actually called Well, wonder no longer, as I finally reveal this great mystery to you! I left the Porkies to a cacophony of wild turkeys and made east again for the bridge. I was in familiar territory again as I drove down US-2,…

  • Superior Odds and Ends

    Dear Friends and Family, The journey continues! Thanks again for camping with me buddy, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did 🙂 Andrew and I split up after a couple days, as he had to return downstate while I continued meandering west across the Upper Peninsula. Ore docks in Marquette, from which…

  • Great Lakes State

    Dear Friends and Family, Oh! Wait some of you are here! Welcome, my audience 🙂 I left western Minnesota around the 8th or 9th of August, and beat feet pretty quickly back to Michigan. Way back when this road trip started, I had planned to continue westward into the UP, but I was very tired…

  • Ramblings and Rain Gauges

    Dear Friends and Family, *Siiiiip* *kch-aaaahhh* Yup, I am definitely back in the midwest. As if drinking a beer with a name as ubiquitous as “Grain Belt” wouldn’t tell you, I have returned to the endless deciduous forests of the east, to my ancestral homeland. Well, it’s not exactly my homeland: This is Lincoln County,…

  • Gates of the West

    Dear Friends and Family, This is the end of the west. This photo is taken at this exact spot (39°42’36.6″N 105°17’41.0″W) on the Mt. Vernon Road overpass of I-70 and US-40, 16 miles west of downtown Denver. This is the view looking west. This is the view looking at all of the west, at all…

  • One More Time to the Newest Mexico

    Dear friends and family, Well I blew right past my 21 January deadline, huh? Ah well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So the adventures continue! With one more dip into the mountain west: Well, not exactly your normal mountains. These are the 700’+ dunes of Great Sand Dunes National Park. They’re like mountains, just made of sand 🙂 And…