Category: Uncategorized

  • In Which I Just Gush About Pretty Rocks

    Dear Friends and Family, The blog is back! Sorry for the delay, I got busy over the holidays and with the job and stuff. Things are going well, and I still fully intend to finish the blog. I spent 142 days on the road in total and it only seems fair to try and complete…

  • The View East

    Dear Friends and Family, There is one more corner of Wyoming that is well off the beaten path and well worth seeing: The Bighorn Mountains. The Bighorns are an isolated mountain range in northern Wyoming, southwest of Sheridan. I know that doesn’t really help place it in anyone’s mind, but the interesting thing about the…

  • A Story From Nowhere

    Dear Friends and Family, SSSSNNNNRRRRRKKKKK SSSSSSSSNNNNNNNRRRRRKKKKK-UUHHH-HUUUUHH HUH??? Where the hell am I??? In the latest step in my rambles across America, I arrive in arguably the most obscure location of the entire trip: Petroleum County, Montana. Dear reader, your question is heard loud and clear: what the hell am I doing here? Well, it’s a…

  • Elsewhere in Wyoming

    Dear Friends and Family, And so my travels continued. I left Grand Teton and Jackson Hole going east by southeast, once again over the continental divide and into the heights of the Wind River Range. I think most people have a negative perception of Wyoming as a deeply boring and empty state. If you’ve been…

  • The Leaving of Heaven (Grand Teton, Part 5)

    Dear Friends and Family? How do you leave heaven? Yes, I am asking again; I got a bit bleary-eyed while reminiscing about Lake Solitude in the last post, so making this one helps me gather my thoughts and regather my composure. I don’t have much narrative structure for the last couple photos and memories I…

  • The Most Beautiful Place in the Entire World (Grand Teton, Part 4)

    Dear Friends and Family, How do you leave heaven? I’m not asking rhetorically. Grand Teton is heaven. I don’t mean “Grand Teton is like heaven.” I don’t mean “Grand Teton is heaven to me.” Simile is not enough; analogy is not enough. I mean “Grand Teton is heaven.” I have been home in Virginia for…

  • The Home of My Soul (Grand Teton, Part 3)

    Dear friends and family, Lake Solitude is the most beautiful place in the entire world. A poem: Oh Lake Solitude, Nearer is my soul to thee, Than arms caressing, In which to comfort and doze, Bestilling my heart, Like sunbeams on blue waters. Oh Lake Solitude, Nearer is my soul to thee, Than eyes awaking,…

  • Rising as Sunlight (Grand Teton, Part 2)

    Dear friends and family, Apologies for the delays in this update! The last two weeks have been very hectic quitting my old job and starting my new one at the Coast Guard. There’s a class-action lawsuit against my old employer. It’s a lot, text me if you want details. But! I am finally over the…

  • The Earth in my Shoes (Grand Teton, Part 1)

    Dear friends and family, Much of this trip across the continent (and back) has been defined by new experiences, and adventures into the unknown, and meanders and wanders from the beaten path. Yes, I did plan this trip out for over three years, but no itinerary has followed me so closely as the asphalt beneath…

  • One Day Through Yellowstone (AKA the Return of the BLOG!)

    Dear Friends and Family, Haha yeaaaaah I really messed up on my end-of-travel blogging plans 🙂 Before we return to our regularly scheduled blogging, I wanted to note that the trip concluded on September 6th, 2023. I covered 24,840.2 miles, took 17,000 photos, spent 142 days on the road, crossed 28 states, visited 18 national…