IT’S TIME!!!!!!!!💙


Ladies, Gentlemen, and Distinguished Guests Unaffiliated! I am on the road! I am whitecaps on the sea! I am ribbons in the wind, I am jumping and dancing and tumbling and I am free! As all these things I am directed in just one way: forward! Forward with the whisting wind! Forward toward the foreign shore! Forward with the stripes of yellow and white! Forward and forever! I am here and I AM DOING THIS!!!!!!!

*huff* *puff* *deep breath*

I will fail for a long time to describe just how good it feels to be finally on the road. It’s so freeing, it’s so exhilarating, it feels very literally like a torsion spring is unwinding in my head, like a ripchord that was drawn out to its greatest extent is finally being allowed to relax. I feel carefree, I feel unbounded, I feel endless. And I am only two days in! What fun!

After all this work and planning, the trip finally kicked off on Tuesday at 4:00 PM, when I finally buttoned up the last things to do in my apartment and said goodbye to my home for the next five months (I think the ghost in Unit #4 was the only one who heard me but he didn’t acknowledge it, c’est la morte ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). But as a practical matter, and an emotional one, I really feel like the trip began when I finally crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge:

Mere moments before I was yelling and whooping and hollering myself horse, windows down, fist pumping out the car window, in my mind to the aggrandizement (in reality: aggravation) of onlooking (re: rubbernecking) Marylanders

Now I am really in foreign country. I didn’t stop for much, but I didn’t see much to stop for as I hauled ass to Delaware, Henlopen Bound. I got to the Cape just before sunset:

Not that it’s obvious or anything facing, you know, east.

I can’t believe I’m doing this y’all. I can’t believe I’m actually, finally here. Where: here; who: me, when: now. What more details would I need that the Earth won’t reveal to me on her own time?

And what she does not reveal, I will find out for myself!

Stay well everyone,

Your friend, dancing in the wind and the waves,
